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Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Call in Number: 423-283-4643

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Call in Number: 423-283-4643

About Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church isn’t a building—we are a family of faith, drawn together as children of God and heirs of His salvation in Christ. We share a common bond of love, for our Lord and each other.

The mission of Westminster Presbyterian Church is to glorify God and expand His kingdom by being a grace-oriented Reformed body that believes the Word of God is inerrant and all sufficient for every area of life and that holds fast to the Westminster Standards.

In striving to accomplish this mission, we aim to engage every member in a process of Christian growth that includes the following elements of purpose and stages of the process that we feel are essential for developing mature disciples of Christ: worship God, connect people, equip believers, serve others, and share Christ.

Core Values
We are committed to: Believing the Bible as the inerrant, infallible, all-sufficient, divinely inspired Word of God. Holding to Reformed Theology as set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. Bearing witness to the Gospel of grace personally, and through the support of ministries of missions and evangelism. Practicing loving care and accountability in the body of Christ, the Church,…