WHCB Holiday Schedule On Air
WHCB Christmas Specials-December 2024We thank you for listening all year long to WHCB, and for your support! As always, we have lots of special programs and music to celebrate the birth of ...
In Isaiah, God’s Word says that the Lord has “declared the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.” Amos 3:7 tells us that the Lord reveals ...
Our Mission is to be God’s voice in the Mountains that points unbelievers to faith in Christ and instructs believers in Christ-like behavior.Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in ...
Science, Scripture, & Salvation is a radio program produced by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). For almost 50 years, ICR scientists have conducted research related to the questions of origins and Earth history. ...
Les Feldick is an Oklahoma rancher and has enjoyed that lifestyle for many years. Les and his wife, Iris, have been married since 1953. They have three children, nine grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.What Les really ...
Founder and host of Turning Point for God and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church, David Paul Jeremiah, was born February 13, 1941, in Toledo, Ohio. He is one of four children born ...
Dr. Hill has been active in communications and broadcasting all of his adult life, having been involved for more than four decades in virtually every aspect of radio. For the past thirty-six years, Dr. ...
It’s hard to find an entertaining experience the whole family can enjoy that is both captivating and character building. We know how you feel. You deserve an experience you can trust—an experience that makes ...
Dr. Hill has been active in communications and broadcasting all of his adult life, having been involved for more than four decades in virtually every aspect of radio. For the past thirty-six years, Dr. ...
Founded in April 1933 by the late Dr. E. F. Webber, Southwest Radio Church broadcasts have been heard continuously since that time, making it the oldest continuously running Gospel-based radio broadcast in ...
THE BIBLE is verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original autographs. It is the only rule of faith and practice.Authority of the Scriptures – We believe in the verbal-plenary ...
Welcome to WHCB's Prayer Time! The host of Prayer Time is our General Manager, Dr. Kenneth C. Hill.
Do you have questions or prayer requests?
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If there are two words about Harvest to encapsulate the start, it would be “humble beginnings”. Few may know that before it was one of the largest churches in America, it started as a ...
Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author. While his teaching is transmitted throughout the world to millions of people, Dr. Stanley has been said ...
Renewing Your Mind is an outreach of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian discipleship organization founded in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul. We know that God uses his Word to change lives. In Romans 12:2, ...
Charles R. Swindoll has devoted his life to the accurate, practical teaching and application of God’s Word and His grace. A pastor at heart, Chuck has served as senior pastor to congregations in Texas, ...
The 11 AM hour on WHCB begins with Creation Moments, hosted by Ian Taylor. Each program features scientific evidence that points to proof of a world designed by our Creator, not by evolutionary chance. ...
Pastor, Teacher, and Author Adrian Rogers has introduced people all over the world to the love of Jesus Christ, and has impacted untold numbers of lives by presenting profound biblical truth with such simplicity ...
At the core of what Thru the Bible is and what we do, is the conviction that the Bible is true and trustworthy. We believe God uses His Word uniquely in each of our ...
Pastor/Founder -THE CROSS in Fort Wayne Indiana. A non-denominational work. I have served there 30 years as of May 2018.EVANGELISM - 44 years of sharing Christ around the world and from coast to coast ...
Music and fun that gives praise to Jesus Christ!Bible Buddies Programs
3:05 PM Stories of Great Christians
3:30 PM Storytime with Uncle Charlie
3:59 PM Moment of Truth with Uncle Paul
4:00 PM Adventures in Odyssey
4:30 PM Lamplighter TheatreAlso, ...
Since Focus on the Family’s primary reason for existence is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a practical outreach to homes, we have firm beliefs about both the Christian faith and the ...
The Pastor’s Pulpit with Dr. Jack Hilton
The Pastor’s Pulpit is the preaching ministry of Dr. Jack Hilton. Join us each day at 8 PM as Pastor Hilton leads us in a study of God’s Word.We have a link to our ...
"Koinonia" is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean “communication”, “fellowship”, or “communion”. Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of ...
On July 20, 1969, the world held its breath and watched as Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong brought a 230,000-mile trip through space to a dramatic climax. In a blizzard of blowing ...
Worship His Majesty
Ranger Bill is a Christian radio program from the 1950s. With over 200 episodes produced, Ranger Bill stars Miron Canaday as the title character and Stumpy Jenkins and Ed Ronne, Sr as Grey Wolf. ...
Join your friend Zach for Scripture and a story every Saturday. He's got fun stuff to discover about God, just for you!
Down Gilead Lane is an exciting family radio drama produced by Keys for Kids Ministries. Follow the Morrison family as they navigate life’s trials and triumphs, using the Bible to guide them through every situation in ...
Adventures in Odyssey presents original audio stories brought to life by actors who make you feel like part of the experience. So dust off your imagination and join the kids in Odyssey for inspiring ...
Welcome to Wildwood! Here the folks live just like you and me. They love fun and adventure, enjoy their work and family, and try to learn each day what it means to be like ...
Classic Children’s Bible Hour
Bancroft Bible Camp was established to give children and teens a time of spiritual, social and physical benefit away from their normal routines and surroundings. Our program offers sound Bible teaching, missionary challenges, team ...
Adventure Pals is a weekly radio program produced by Christian Children’s Associates, Inc. Especially focused for children ages 4 – 14, it is a program the entire family can enjoy. Adventure Pals has been ...
The Adventures of Patch the Pirate radio broadcast is recognized by the National Religious Broadcasters as being the third-largest children’s religious programming outreach. The listener-supported ministry is distributed free of charge. This outreach began ...
Karen & Kids produces award-winning music for children, with songs about childhood experiences like losing teeth, and lessons about sharing and making friends. Her catchy melodies and clever lyrics are guaranteed to make you ...
Mrs. G—Kitty Anna Griffiths, of Toronto, Canada—was loved worldwide for her warm, captivating style. She received mail from 188 countries.A British high-school teacher turned storyteller, she served with her pastor husband, Gerald, in churches ...
Storybook Room
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre is more than storytelling – and much more than a mere audiobook. It’s a cast of internationally acclaimed actors, performing award-winning audio dramas that are produced and mixed ...
The Faithful Witness
Neighbor Helping Neighbor is produced by WHCB. The program focuses on local service organizations across the area and provides listeners with information on how to get help for various problems facing society today.
Sounds of Joy
Appalachian Adventure
The Bible Class with Dr. George A. Anderson
Saturday Night Sing with Damon Depew
Real people...real life stories...stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything. UNSHACKLED! the award-winning radio drama from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, grips the heart with compelling and relevant stories of ...
Our mission is to encourage fellow believers and invite them to come worship with us, to make Cedar View IMC members aware of our history, doctrine, and current events, and to proclaim to unbelievers ...
Worship His Majesty from Parkway Baptist Church
Westminster Presbyterian Church isn’t a building—we are a family of faith, drawn together as children of God and heirs of His salvation in Christ. We share a common bond of love, for our Lord ...
Treasury Of Great Hymns
During the summer of 2003, the distinct voice of God along with a clear vision for a new ministry was given to Pastor Austin. The Lord’s voice and the vision were received with joy ...
America has fallen into great apostasy today. The altars of strange gods are being erected in her groves and in her cities, materialism, secularism, and idolatry have taken over the market place. The foundations ...
Fortress Of Faith
Pastor C has a passion for unpacking the truths of Scripture and applying those truths and principles to everyday life. He and wife, Denise, have enjoyed 38 years of marriage and ministry together as ...
Sunday Evening Hymn Time with Mark Ferguson
Moody Presents is a weekly half-hour teaching program hosted by Jon Gauger. In addition to teaching from God's Word, this Sunday program also regularly features music by the four student ensembles of Moody Bible ...