The Voice Of The Rock
The Voice Of The Rock
About The Voice Of The Rock
During the summer of 2003, the distinct voice of God along with a clear vision for a new ministry was given to Pastor Austin. The Lord’s voice and the vision were received with joy and subsequently under-girded with prayer and a request of God for guidance. Consequently, with a continued walk of faith, a new journey began, and on the First Sunday in December of 2003, the Lord gave birth to Solid Rock Christian Church.
On the First Sunday of the New Year, January 2004, Solid Rock established its Foundation Membership Roster with approximately 70 members and associate members. Since the Lord Jesus Christ declared that “upon this rock, I will build my church,” (that rock being the bed-rock of truth that the Apostle Peter declared, “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”), we are confident that Christ will continue to build and add to this church as He deems appropriate.
The God-given vision for this ministry and the evidence of His awesome grace provides continuous hope and trust in He who does all things well.
Our founder and Pastor is the Rev. Dr. James G. Austin, Jr. Associate Ministers serving with Dr. Austin are Rev. Clarence Jones, Rev. Lyman Wilson, and Minister Randolph Bush II.
The ministries of Solid Rock include our Deacon and Deaconess ministries where Deacon Anthony Dodson and Deaconess Mary Ann Dodson serve as Chair Persons of the Deacon and Deaconess ministry respectively.
Under the musical direction of Brother Ervin Eugene Waters, our Foundation Choir and Voices of Praise bless us with the songs of Zion. We have a wonderful Youth Ministry lead by Sister Karen Bush and a Drama Ministry that continues to bless us with many marvelous presentations produced by our First Lady. We also have a very active Women’s Ministry that blesses us during their Spirit-filled Women’s Prayer Breakfast events, currently being held once each quarter. The Women of Solid Rock have also participated in two Women’s Conferences in Knoxville, Tennessee with the women of Valley Grove Baptist Church. Our Women’s Ministry also provides worship, praise, and encouragement at an assisted living facility on the 4th Saturday of each month. They also provide and serve hot meals to families through a wonderful organization called SERVE.
We remain actively engaged in outreach missions work. Our efforts include support for the Manassas Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center. Additionally, through our unselfish acts of giving, a home was built for a family in Jamaica.
Almighty God continues to open the doors for Outreach Evangelism and we give Him praise for the “Voice of the Rock” Radio Ministry. In March of 2017, the Voice of the Rock reached a milestone of 13 continuous years of broadcasting on the air. This ministry is carried on nine (9) AM Stations in the U.S., and one (1) FM Station in Monrovia, Liberia West Africa. We are also broadcasting on a short-wave radio station where the Voice of the Rock is heard in 122 countries around the world. To God be the Glory!
Additionally, each Sunday beginning at 11:00 am our Morning Worship Service is carried live over the internet and can be accessed via our website at www.solidrock-cc.org. We are grateful to God and say thank you to the thousands of listeners across the globe who continue to tune in and be blessed. You can also listen at any time to our pastor’s Sermons and Teachable Moments on our website.
When God gave the vision to our Pastor for a new ministry, it would one day include a School of Theology, an Elementary School, a Book Store, and a dynamic Out-reach Ministry. True to His Word, the Lord has brought to fruition a portion of the vision.
Specifically, during the month of October 2007, through our Out-reach ministry, God allowed for the establishment of our Elementary School, Solid Rock Christian Academy, located in Zubah Town Monrovia, Liberia West Africa. Our school is fully sanctioned and accredited by the Liberian Minister of Education to teach grades K through 9. Initial enrollment was 160 students, and more than 80 percent of our students receive a tuition-free education.
Another blessing was bestowed upon us in September of 2017 when the Liberian Minister of Education granted approval for Solid Rock Christian Academy to increase its educational coverage to include grades 10 through 12. From its inception, Solid Rock Christian Academy has had and still maintains a wonderful staff of teachers. Our school motto is “Striving for Excellence.”
The God-given vision has also given birth, through our website, to an online bookstore.
Because the vision for this ministry is God-given, we are certain that its future is even brighter. As a result, our Pastor has given us the Word of God which says: “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Therefore, as we remain steadfast and unmovable in the Work of the Lord, we will wait on Him, confident that He will bring everything He has promised into being.
We have also embarked on a Capital Campaign fundraising drive to do our part on God’s program. Our Theme for the campaign is “Seeing the Unseen” and we believe that with God, all things are possible.
We are also blessed to have an extension of our church family in Liberia, Solid Rock Christian Church International where the Rev. Samuel J. Barclay is our local pastor. To God be the Glory! Our hearts have been and remain open and we have been blessed over the past years to provide several humanitarian shipments of food, clothing and supplies to our people in Liberia.
We are blessed to be able to serve the Lord and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The Word of God takes priority and ensuring that we stay the course, the preachers, deacons, and other church leaders serving with Pastor Austin understand and are committed to this priority.
On Sunday, December 10, 2017, we celebrated our 14th Church Anniversary. We believe that as we continue to walk by faith and not by sight, even brighter days are ahead.